Magnesium is an important mineral in the body that helps maintain the health of the nerves, muscles, heart, and bones. It also helps control blood sugar and blood pressure and manages your energy levels. The magnesium blood test is used to measure blood magnesium levels.Magnesium deficiency is usually observed in malnutrition, malabsorption states, and kidney disease. High magnesium levels can be caused by excessive antacid intake and decreased ability of the kidneys to excrete the mineral. Magnesium imbalance can lead to signs and symptoms such as nausea, loss of appetite, weakness, irritability, muscle cramps, numbness, tingling, or irregular heart rate (Cardiac arrhythmia). Magnesium imbalance in the body can also affect calcium metabolism and aggravate calcium deficiencies.
$30.00Price for members $15.00
Preparation: Please do not exercise prior to testing. It is best that your blood is taken in a rested state.