Weight Loss
The weight loss panel focuses on your metabolic health. It includes tests that check how your metabolism is running (CMP, TSH, cortisol), tests that look at satiety and fat burning (leptin, adiponectin), and tests that check for underlying imbalances associated with weight gain, such as inflammation (hs-CRP, vitamin D), insulin resistance (insulin, HbA1c), and sex hormone imbalances (estradiol, testosterone, progesterone, DHEA-s).
You can combine this panel with the SelfDecode Weight Loss Report.
$2,064.00Price for members $1,032.00
Number of tests included: 14
Preparation: When testing for this panel, it's best if you can get your blood drawn in the morning. Several tests in this panel should be taken after an overnight (>8h) fast. You can drink water, but don’t eat any food during this time. In addition, please do not exercise prior to testing. It's best that your blood is taken in a rested state.